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我们的辅导方法是专门为帮助您应对变革的五个阶段而设计的,即使在困难时期也是如此。从制定未来愿景到采取日常行动实现目标,10-7 将全程为您提供支持。当我们一起工作时,您会对自己的生活所带来的积极变化感到惊讶。

Where are you?
在我们的家庭支持服务中,我们提供全面的指导和帮助,帮助您度过充满挑战的生活状况。我们 经验丰富的团队致力于为您和您所爱的人提供个性化支持。无论您正在处理财务问题、行为挑战还是任何其他困难,我们都会为您提供指导和理解。


10-7 Farms is a volunteer organization which began with a vision to "bring people home" through community connections. It has grown into a valued community partner recognized for connecting people to needed services through formal partnerships.
10-7 Seeks the following objective
Improve Health and Support Services Access and Outcomes
Support initiatives that expand access to affordable, high-quality healthcare and services that support overall mental and physical health
Provide support to build capacity for navigating and accessing support services
Walk with you through the 5 stages of change
Equip, Strengthen, and Train your support system to optimize success
10-7 Farms is a volunteer organization which began with a vision to "bring people home" through community connections. It has grown into a valued community partner recognized for connecting people to needed services through formal partnerships.
10-7 Seeks the following objective
Improve Health and Support Services Access and Outcomes
Support initiatives that expand access to affordable, high-quality healthcare and services that support overall mental and physical health
Provide support to build capacity for navigating and accessing support services
Walk with you through the 5 stages of change
Equip, Strengthen, and Train your support system to optimize success